Making Stabilised (Capped) Reduced CS with Cinnamon Tincture.

As we have seen in previous posts, there are three kinds of CS and one kind of Ionic Silver (IS) that are useful for killing bugs and accelerating healing. (In future, we may discover others, but it is likely that they will be variants on these themes).
Stabilised (capped) CS is the easiest kind of CS to make, and the best for internal use. This is because capped CS holds the nanoparticles apart, one from another, and protects them to some extent while they travel through the acid conditions of the stomach. The capping agent (in our case cinnamon, but gelatine will also work) is then digested and the silver nanoparticles are released to do their work.
Also, the capping effect of the cinnamon allows this form of CS to be made to a MUCH higher ppm than the normal maximum 20 ppm. 80 ppm is easily feasible; Kephra has demonstrated 1000 ppm. This is not for the purpose of consuming the higher ppm in its concentrated state. It is better to water the concentrated CS down to the “normal” 20 ppm, and this can be done with any potable water; it does not have to be distilled water. The advantage, therefore, of the higher ppm is for ease of transport and for a considerable saving in the amount of Distilled Water (DW) used.
So, we measure out a quantity of Distilled Water (DW) into the reaction vessel. If this were your first attempt, it would be best to start with a small glass beaker or cafetiere with about 250 mls capacity, so that if anything goes wrong, you will not be wasting too much DW.
Before doing anything else, fit and adjust the electrodes to give the maximum anode area exposed to the water. Do not allow any non-Silver components on the anode side to touch the water, or you will contaminate the CS. The point at which your Silver electrode is connected to the positive lead should either be out of the water, or covered by painting it in one or more layers of varnish or other impervious waterproof covering. I normally use a crocodile clip to suspend the Silver anode.
The negative cathode should have only a small amount of surface area exposed to the water. Maximum anode, minimum cathode area.
Heat the water using a microwave or the hotplate. Connect all the cables and start the PSU current flowing. Then take the bottle of sodium carbonate and, while watching the voltmeter and ammeter, put one drop at a time, into the DW. Check the voltmeter as the electrolyte is added, drop-by-drop. As soon as the voltage starts to decrease, stop adding sodium carbonate. You should need no more than about two to six drops of electrolyte to cause the voltage to drop to about 90 percent of the starting value. What you have done is to cause enough current to flow across the electrodes to reach the set point of the constant-current PSU. Then add 0.5 mls of cinnamon tincture to the DW. Record the value of the current.
Using the equation in the previous posting, calculate the time required to make 20 ppm CS. Allow the current to run for the required length of time. If you have done everything correctly, you will see the DW quickly start to change colour to a faint yellow and then see the colour deepen to an increasingly brilliant yellow. After the required length of time, you should have a beaker of crystal-clear, whisky-coloured 20 ppm capped CS.
Disconnect the cables, remove the electrodes and allow the CS to cool to room temperature. If there are any particles in the water, filter the CS using the aquarium tubing and air-stone, then bottle in a PET plastic or glass bottle. Clear plastic or glass is fine; it does not have to be brown or blue coloured glass or plastic.
Holding the Silver anode in a pair of forceps or pliers, use a small blowtorch or gas flame to heat the anode until the oxide discolouration on the anode goes white. Allow to cool. This reduces the oxides on the anode back to Silver metal without waste of valuable Silver, and burns off any dross.
After repeating this process several times, you can then produce larger batches. Let us know how you get on.